We’ve got two new online events coming up, for you to find out a bit more about Kindred and how to get involved. The first one – on July 29 – will introduce Kindred, how we’ve worked, and share the experiences of some of our first group of investees.
The second, on August 12, takes us back to talking about money. What’s good? What works?What would make a real difference? And how can we best use it to create more impact across LCR?
Sign up for free on Eventbrite, and we look forward to seeing you soon…
20 Kindred questions
First and foremost, Kindred is a community. We share the expertise and experiences of our members to support the growth of the socially-trading community across Liverpool City Region. And we also help that growth by supporting STOs with money.
But who is Kindred and who is it for? What is an STO?
Join us on 29 July and hear about how we took the perspectives of 150 socially-trading organisations across Liverpool City Region. From that, we developed a way of investing that led to 22 organisations receiving almost £1 million in funding – and some of them will join us to share their experiences.
Hear how you can get involved to shape what we do with Kindred next, about our next round of funding and how we’re building a membership, community and movement.
This is a new way of doing things. It’s a collaborative economy that is fairer, better for people, communities and the planet.
Together, we are Kindred.
Are you?
Sign up at: https://20kindredquestions.eventbrite.co.uk
Money’s made round to go round…
Money comes in many shapes and sizes. But you wouldn’t know it, from the narrow criteria set out by most lenders – and funders. If we want STOs in Liverpool City Region to increase their impact, how can we best use the money we have to make that happen? What are we, the STOs, comfortable with? What’s too scary to contemplate? What would make a real difference? And how do we stop ourselves feeling like we’re competing with each other. This is our money – how do we use it collectively to foster collaboration, not competition, to grow our collective social impact?
Join us for a conversation about money: what do we want? What’s non-negotiable. What will help us get to where we want to be? Help make the most of our money!
We’ll share what we learned from our first round of investment and hear from STOs about what worked well and what didn’t.
Grab your ticket now: https://kindredmoneygoesround.eventbrite.co.uk