Occupy: to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time;
to keep someone busy or interested;
to take or hold possession or control of.
IDEAS WORK is Kindred’s young ideas arm. Currently in its pilot stage, IDEAS WORK introduces young people, aged 5 to 24+, to the social economy. Using space, workshops and events, IDEAS WORK fosters ideas and encourages questions, like:
• What constitutes an idea?
• What does it take to make an idea work?
• What is work and what is its purpose?
• Can the idea of work be expanded, challenged or changed?
We’re looking for young people – or groups of young people – to develop or stage ideas within a space in the Baltic Triangle for Occupy, IDEAS WORK’s latest project. There’s development money available to cover materials and costs, along with a small fee towards their time.

Occupy is aimed at 18–24+ year olds. It will create a space in which ideas can be tested, thoughts discussed, collaborators found, potential uncovered, initiatives responded to, and mistakes made. To make anything one must be able to fail, to ponder, to think and, importantly, to take space – physically and mentally.
Its name, Occupy, recalls and references the Occupy movement of the 2010s. A precursor to Extinction Rebellion – youth-led, and with many of the same concerns (but a different central agenda) – the Occupy movement took over public space for debate, community and protest.
Occupy is inviting young people to take over a space for their own means, for ideas and their potential manifestation. A space in the Baltic Triangle will be available over 4+ weeks, from the end of August and occupying September 2024. It’s a space to trial ‘ideas’; use as a safe space to converse, put on events, collaborate, make, entertain or exchange – and many more things – in whatever form participants see fit. It’s designed to create as much freedom as possible, and as little as possible concern that participants must ‘succeed’ or ‘sell’ or ‘win’ or produce a ‘product’.
The 4+ weeks will be used to enable pre-project visits, set up for events and a public occupation programme over two of those weeks, depending on proposals from participants.
Throughout our IDEAS WORK programme (from 5–24+), cardboard boxes are used as an adaptable material and a symbol of waste. In Occupy they will be used to occupy the space in the Baltic Triangle physically.

Young people (18–24+)
You’re invited to suggest how you would occupy the space, develop and contribute an idea or stage an event. This is a pilot project and there will be no selection process – we’re looking for between ten and 25 people, so feel free to invite people and enquire; respond; start a conversation, relationship or collaboration. That’s how the Kindred community works, and we’re keen to introduce young people to this way of working.
Try out ideas: a shop, gig or café? A space to barter, counsel or start a conversation? A library or a safe space? A market, a performance or protest? Of course, these are just our ideas – you’ll have many more.
For more information, email Emma Rushton by clicking here…
Kindred employees and freelancers will be on hand to help where needed to realise people’s proposals and ideas.