Kindred has received funding from UnLtd Inclusive Recovery Fund to support more Black-led socially-trading organisations (STOs). We’re looking to work with 25 organisations to help you prepare for Kindred (or other) social investment and grow the impact they have in the community.
BlaST will be a peer-to-peer, lived experience community of practice, with a programme that will be shaped by its participants. Black-led STOs are best placed to create sustainable solutions to the social problems within their communities and this support will only strengthen our capacity to do just that.
Joanne Anderson is leading the network for Kindred, harnessing support from experienced STOs to develop a collaborative, visible and supportive group of Black STOs.
Support is available for a variety of needs:
- money to invest in small awards to get your ideas off the ground
- micro-funding to test ideas
- money to access to professional and financial expertise
- money to support storytelling and design work, to present your ideas
To be eligible, you must be Black-led and for your work to generate social impact. You should want to want to grow, trade or become more viable, so that you are not aiming for grant funding in medium term.
To find out more, book onto a Zoom session here:
This work has to be delivered by March, so please book quickly if you’re keen – we can only support the first 25 STOs that confirm their interest.
If you’re an STO looking for support, but you’re not Black-led, add your contact details at the bottom of our homepage and join the Kindred community.
Am I an STO? Click here to find out
What’s the Inclusive Recovery Fund?
The Inclusive Recovery Fund is a £4.75 million fund to help social entrepreneurs in England, designed to help social entrepreneurs deliver their important services and grow their impact while adapting to the challenges of the Coronavirus crisis has presented.