Please complete your details below to become a member of the Kindred community.

Applicant details

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Contact Number: *
Address Number: *
Building Name:
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2: *
Town / City: *
Region: *
Post Code: *
Country: *
LCR region:
Which gender do you identify with ?: *
Do you experience a health condition?: *
Other health condition:
Do you experience a disability?: *
Notes for other disability:
Please self-define your ethnicity if comfortable.:
Please self-define your ethnicity if comfortable.::
Please select ALL socially-trading traits that apply to you or your company:
Please select ALL socially-trading traits that apply to you or your company: *
Would you like to become a BlaST member?: *
The BlaST Network (Black/Brown-led social Traders) is designed to recognise the impact and contribution of socially-trading organisations (STOs) led by those with Black-lived experience and expertise. The network promotes the work and communicates the positive social or environmental impact that BlaST-led businesses have on their local communities.
If you are an STO, would you like to become part of our Social Directory: *

Directory Information

Upload your logo:
The Dimension of the image should be 1080 X 400 and File size should be maximum 2mb .Image will be auto re-sized to these dimensions
Drop files here or
Allowed file types: jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp,ico
Upload your banner that represents your organisation . e.g., graphical banner or team photo (dimension 2000px wide by 800px)
Drop Here Preview Drag & Drop or Select Files Add More Maximum limit for a file is __DT__ Maximum limit for total file size is __DT__ Minimum __DT__ file is required Maximum limit for total file is __DT__ Maximum allowed size per file is __DT__ Maximum total allowed file size is __DT__ Minimum __DT__ file is required Maximum __DT__ files are allowed
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What is organisation's legal status:
Other organisation's legal status:
What is the name of your organisation: *
What is your job title in this organisation:
Email address: *
Telephone number: *
Explain what yours organisation does:
Address Number: *
Building Name:
Address 1: *
Address 2: *
Town: *
City: *
Region: *
Country: *
Liverpool City Region (LCR): *
Postcode: *
What is the principal trading category of your organisation: *
Please provide a maximum three other categories. This is to help potential businesses looking to trade with you and understand the services you provide:
Other Principal trading category suggested by user:
Other Sub category suggested by user:
Website: *
Add your promotional Video. Enter a Youtube / Vimeo Video URL link:
Is your address open to the public?: *
Disabled access:
Please select all the Socially-trading traits that you identify with:
Please select all the Socially-trading traits that you identify with:
Please select all the Socially-trading traits that you identify with:
Do 50% or more of your leader(s), founder(s), or leadership team identify as:
Black or other Minoritised Ethnicity: *
Female: *
Having a disability (including physical, mental, cognitive differences, or a long-term health condition): *
From an educationally or economically disadvantaged background (e.g., eligible for free school meals or did not complete formal education): *
Please tick all categories that you identify with: *
See More
Please select all categories that you identify with:

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